Sent in by Rockwatcher, Benedict Douglas
One day, when I sliced up a pizza for my dinner, I saw the inner workings of the Earth! Don’t believe me? Make a ‘Pizza Earth’ for yourself – then gobble it up afterwards! Follow these steps carefully – with an adult to help – to make a truly terrific terrestrial treat! See the Ingredients and Method below to find out how…

Earth Pizza photo by Kate Salmon

pyroxene photo by Geodaniel

olivine photo by Aram Dulyan
One ready made pizza base
Passata or a jar of Tomato pasta sauce
Any cheese, grated (I used Cheddar – yum!)
Dried oregano
A pineapple slice and a cherry tomato or both a piece of salami and a piece of pepperoni (one has to be bigger than the other)
Added toppings:
Pepper, chopped small
Mushrooms, slice thinly
- Put the oven on at 190° or gas mark 5.
- Mix some dried oregano into the passata. Spread this on the pizza base, making sure you go very close to the edge.
- Put on the cheese, again taking it very close to the edge.
- Put the pineapple piece and half the cherry tomato in the centre of the pizza. Alternatively use the salami and the smaller pepperoni.
- Put on the olives and peppers, nearer to the crust than the centre.
- Place the mushrooms near the edge of the pizza with the stalk facing the centre of the pizza.
- Put in the oven for 12-14 minutes until the cheese is starting to go slightly brown.