Oodles of Fun at Ogmore-by-Sea
IMG_20250315_151024175 Image 1 of 13 Rocks folded during continental collisions It was a chilly but dry day for our recent Rockwatch field trip, and it was wonderful to return to Wales for another geological adventure! Led by the Professor Paul Wright, our intrepid adventurers journeyed through time, uncovering the secrets of the ancient world preserved in the area’s geology. From the 340-million-year-old Carboniferous sea floors,...
The Forces that Shaped South Wales – Rockwatch Field Trip to Ogmore
Join Rockwatch for a fascinating field trip to Ogmore-by-Sea, Wales, on Saturday, 15th March 2025, where Professor Paul Wright will guide us through a geological adventure! This hands-on experience will take us across ancient landscapes, from 340-million-year-old Carboniferous sea floors teeming with fossil corals to Jurassic beaches where we’ll uncover ammonites hidden within the famous Blue Lias rock formations. We’ll even witness...
South Wales Annual Weekend Field Trip Details and Tickets Now Available
Rockwatch Welsh Weekend Field Trip 16 – 17 July 2022 We’re excited to share more details about the forthcoming Rockwatch Weekend Field Trip to South Wales and you can now book to come! It promises to be a weekend full of coastal geology around the Cardiff area. All this for just £2.50 per person. What are you waiting for? Find out more and Book...
The Bendricks Fossilised Dinosaur Footprints in South Wales
Bendricks dinosaur trackways Image 1 of 6 Bendricks dinosaur trackways Steve Howe shares his fascinating geological insights into The Bendricks, where Lily Wilder recently hit national news with her dinosaur footprint fossil find, as featured on the BBC website. The coast between Cardiff and Barry exposes a wonderful succession of 220-200 million year old Upper Triassic rocks. Around Penarth and Lavernock, just to the west of...
Wonderful Wales! Great Rockwatch trip to Pembrokeshire!
The tiny city of St David’s was the centre for an amazing trip to Pembrokeshire. A weekend fieldtrip with lots of geology, old slate quarries and sunshine! Check out the Events and try and come along on a fieldtrip. There’s a fabulous one to Cayton Bay in Yorkshire on 24th August! Otherwise check the list and see if you can come to any.