The UK's Nationwide Geology Club for Children

Hurry! Rockstars Competition Closes Tomorrow!

Hurry! Rockstars Competition Closes Tomorrow!

The deadline for receiving Rockstar Young Geologists’ Competition entries is 5pm tomorrow! Hurry to be in with a chance of being one of this year’s Rockstars! Find Out More...

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Download the Rockstar Young Geologists’ Competition 2023 Entry Form Today

Download the Rockstar Young Geologists’ Competition 2023 Entry Form Today

Rockwatch members should have by now received their latest Rockwatch Magazine Issue 93 through the post which includes a hard copy of the entry form for this year’s Rockstar Young Geologists’ Competition 2023. If you missed it don’t worry, you can download the Rockstars Competition Entry Form 2023 from our website which details all you need to know to submit your entry, including guidance on how to make your entry...

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Rockstars 2023 Competition Details Coming Soon

Rockstars 2023 Competition Details Coming Soon

We’ll soon be asking for Rockstar 2023 competition entries! Printed entry forms – with details of the great prizes on offer – will be sent out very shortly, along with the new issue 93, of Rockwatch magazine. Keep an eye out for both. The Rockstar entry form will also be downloadable from the website in the near...

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Let’s Celebrate International Geodiversity Day!

Let’s Celebrate International Geodiversity Day!

Happy International Geodiversity Day! Rockwatch is thrilled to join in with today’s celebrations to help to promote the wonders of geodiversity as seen through the eyes of children and young people. UNESCO came up with the idea of geodiversity day to shine a spotlight on how critical geodiversity is to life on Planet Earth. It’s a day when the whole world can unite in one shared vision to educate people to better understand the...

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Rockstars Competition Entries are in!

Rockstars Competition Entries are in!

There are an exciting two days ahead of judging this year’s Rockstars Young Geologists’ Competition entries. With the deadline now passed, we’re looking forward to being amazed by what our young geologists love about geodiversity. Judges will be meeting at Rockwatch HQ at Burlington House in London today and tomorrow to decide on this year’s winners. We’ll be announcing winners very soon and then...

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