Sign up for the Schoolrocks FREE Online Workshop for Schools and Children in Year 3
The Geologists’ Association run a special scheme to support the Key Stage 2, Year 3 Science National Curriculum in schools called Schoolrocks! Rockwatchers in Year 3 and parents who are teachers may be interested in signing up for a special Schoolrocks online event called Evolution which is taking place on Tuesday 27 February 2024. The one-hour workshop is FREE of charge to schools and support materials will be sent to schools in...
I-SPY Fossils and Rocks: Spy it! Score it! is out Today
Rockwatch is delighted that the I-SPY Fossils and Rocks: Spy it! Score it! is published today. The Guide, published by Harper Collins, has been written with the help of Rockwatch’s Michael Oates and Wendy Kirk, both experienced Geologists who know just how to inspire young geologists. Commenting on the Guide Michael said, “The world is made up of an abundance of natural wonders so it was a real challenge pulling together so many...
Live Talks, Workshops and Discussions at vFestival of Geology 2021
This year’s live talks, workshops and break out discussion rooms at the Virtual Festival of Geology 2021 are a fascinating mix of topics to appeal to any young geology enthusiast. The events are all taking place live on Saturday 6th November 2021 so make sure you put the day aside to immerse yourself in the full programme of events. Live Talks The lectures all feature a live Q & A with the speaker afterwards...
Please join the GA Zoom workshop on Geological Collections
Virtual Zoom Meeting Saturday June 19th 2021 from 7pm-9pm Please join the GA Zoom workshop on Geological Collections. Presented by Dr Caroline Buttler and a team from National Museum Wales in Cardiff. Collecting rocks and fossils often sparks an interest in geology, whether it is as a child or an adult, the questions raised about Deep-time and how things were in the past fascinate us. Geological collections are found in many of our...
Festival of Geology 2020 – save the dates!
Exciting News! This year’s Festival of Geology – brought to you by the Geologists’ Association – will be taking place online on the 7th and 8th November. As always, Rockwatch will be involved in the fun and it will be totally FREE. We’ll share more details about what you can look forward to over the coming months but for now pop the dates in your...