Happy National Fossil Day!
Happy National Fossil Day! Here’s a recent fossil sent in by Rockwatcher, Ronnie for identification which is likely to be a part of a bivalve shell, Trigonia costata, named by chemist and palaeontologist James Parkinson whose name lives on in Parkinson’s disease. It is a species that appeared first in the Toarcian Stage (end of the Early Jurassic), but persisted into the Middle Jurassic – which is probably the age of...
Book the next Rockwatch Field Trip to West Sussex on 10 September 2022
We have another double whammy for you! Join us on the next Rockwatch field trip to West Sussex for a spot of Building Stones Geodetective work at Earnley Church, followed by a fossil hunt on Bracklesham beach. The field trip is from 1.30pm til 5.30pm on Saturday 10 September. The trip with be led by Rockwatch Ambassador David Bone. Check out the details and complete the booking form today! Book...
Come Fossil Hunting at Kings Dyke Nature Reserve, Peterborough
Join us for the next Rockwatch field trip on Saturday 2 July 2022 to Kings Dyke Nature Reserve near Peterborough. The area is historically famous for brick making thanks to the abundant clay pits but it is also extremely rich in Jurassic-age fossils. Many of the original pits have been made into nature reserves and it’s one of these we’ll be visiting. With the help of Rockwatch Guides, Rockwatchers are very likely to find...
Visit Mary Anning Exhibition
Rockwatchers may be interested to visit the new exhibition about fossil pioneer Mary Anning at the Lyme Regis Museum this summer. As well as visiting the newly unveiled Mary Anning statue on the sea front, visitors to the museum will be able to see a rare portrait of the paleontologist with her dog, Tray, on the beach at Lyme alongside one of her rare ichthyosaurs she discovered in 1832. Both of these special items are on loan to the...
A Fossily Good Time at Lowewood Museum
Thank you to everyone who joined us for a day of fossil fun on Friday. lowewood-museum-filling-plaster-fossils Image 1 of 14 Filling the plaster cast - making dinosaur fossils Rockwatchers had a fantastic day with the Lowewood Museum and Rockwatch team on Friday 8 April. It was so good to meet you face to face again during the Easter holidays. Inspired by some real fossils from the collection at the Museum, the children had fun...