Mercury Meringue Recipe
Sent in by Rockwatcher, Amina Nelson Riggott Mercury is very close to the sun and its surface has plains and mountainous areas like the moon, as well as a lot of impact craters. It was hit by lots of meteors in the ‘late heavy bombardment’ period and as well as craters. This caused lots of volcanic activity. It has a massive crater called the Caloris Basin which is nearly 1600 km wide and nearby is some unusual hilly land called ‘The...
Sun Brulee Recipe
Sent in by Rockwatcher, Amina Nelson Riggott The sun is at the centre of our solar system and it’s a ball of extremely hot gas. It’s the heaviest thing in the solar system and holds all the other planets in place by gravity. It doesn’t have any geological features as it’s a star not a planet, but if you look at its surface through a Hydrogen Alpha telescope you can see that it looks like bubbling grains with marks on (sunspots,...
Bone Cancer Diagnosed in Dinosaur
Rockwatchers interested in the fields of geology and medicine may be intrigued to read a post written by Gretchen Vogel of Science magazine that reports on some fascinating findings recently published in The Lancet Oncology confirming a bone cancer diagnosis in a dinosaur. The dinosaur bone belonged to a Centrosaurus, which was a horned, plant-eating dinosaur. This particular dinosaur, discovered in Alberta in Canada, lived...
Fossil of Hell Ant proves different killer strategy
Rockwatchers may be interested to read a post written by Lucy Hicks of Science magazine who reports on a new-found fossil which proves how an ancient species of ants known as Hell Ants – or Ceratomyrmex ellenbergeri – killed their prey differently to modern ants. Lucy writes that the scientists who wrote the paper for Current Biology believe that these ancient extinct species of ants caught and killed prey by moving its...
Free online film and Q&A on travelling time with rocks
Rockwatchers who have already caught up with our most recent instalment in the Dig Deeper series About Time by Dr Robert Chandler will be interested to know there’s an online event taking place this Wednesday 12th August from 10.00-11.30am, with Dr Anjana Khatwa on this very subject. Anjana – also known as JurassicGirl – will be doing a spot of time travelling herself to reveal the mysteries hidden inside rocks that...
Dig Deeper – About Time
Week two of our Dig Deeper series is About Time – a field trip with a difference. In fact, Dr Robert Chandler will be taking you on a journey through and about time. Dr Who fans will appreciate the analogy for sure! Robert had his passion for geology sparked as a young boy and spent his entire career passing on this passion as a teacher to many young people, and now as a Rockwatch Ambassador, brings his expertise and passion to...