Rockstar Young Geologists’ Competition 2022 Details Announced
It’s that time of year again when we announce details of our annual geologists’ competition called Rockstars! Once a year we challenge young people to express their creativity and knowledge of geology, using their choice of media. Anyone under the age of 18 can enter and you have all summer to put your masterpieces together! You can find out more about the competition including key dates and top tips on what and how to...
Anne Bronte Was a Rock Collector
Rockwatchers may be interested to know that new research shows that Anne Bronte – the youngest of the famous Bronte sisters who wrote Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall – was also a keen geologist. The research has been done by PhD Student Sally Jaspers at the University of Aberdeen and with the help of Goescientist Stephen Bowden, they have discovered that Anne was very skilled and knowledgeable about her rock...
Rockwatch Field Trip Update
The Hastings field trip is now FULL but don’t worry – there are still some spaces on our other planned field trips including – Saturday, 11 June 2022 14:00 – 16:00 Pebble Hunt at Thorndon Country Park Thorndon Country Park, Brentwood Essex Saturday, 18 June 2022 All Day Yorkshire Jurassic Coast trip to Whitby Saturday, 2 July 2022 All Day Kings Dyke Nature Reserve, Peterborough Saturday, 16 July 2022 –...
Fond Farewell to Rockwatch’s Geraldine
After more than 20 years of Rockwatch adventures, our amazing Geraldine is hanging up her hard hat to enjoy a new challenge. Many of our Rockwatchers will know Geraldine, who has managed the memberships and events for Rockwatch over the years. She’s also played a big part on our field trips and helped the Geologists’ Association in this capacity too. We know she won’t be far away and will keep in touch (and hopefully...
South Wales Annual Weekend Field Trip Details and Tickets Now Available
Rockwatch Welsh Weekend Field Trip 16 – 17 July 2022 We’re excited to share more details about the forthcoming Rockwatch Weekend Field Trip to South Wales and you can now book to come! It promises to be a weekend full of coastal geology around the Cardiff area. All this for just £2.50 per person. What are you waiting for? Find out more and Book...
A Fossily Good Time at Lowewood Museum
Thank you to everyone who joined us for a day of fossil fun on Friday. lowewood-museum-filling-plaster-fossils Image 1 of 14 Filling the plaster cast - making dinosaur fossils Rockwatchers had a fantastic day with the Lowewood Museum and Rockwatch team on Friday 8 April. It was so good to meet you face to face again during the Easter holidays. Inspired by some real fossils from the collection at the Museum, the children had fun...