Issue 53 Contents List: Published December 2009
Summer Fun with RockwatchHighlights of the summer’s field trips with some of the fantastic fossils discovered. Meet the Rockstar prize winners!
Wild Western Geology
Peter Doyle re-lives every childhood dream, reporting on his visits to Western movie sites in the USA and Spain. See the movies through the eyes of a trained geologist.
Mars in the News
“Roving Reporter” Sarah Day gets the chance to talk to a planetary geologist who tells her about some of the research he’s doing on Martian geology. Is there or isn’t there water on Mars?
Earth is a Pizza!
As well as an interest in rocks and fossils, geologists also like food as we discover from Benedict Douglas. He makes a pizza to show the inner workings of Planet Earth. Follow his easy directions and make you own Earth model, then eat it up afterwards!
The legacy of Alfred Leeds
Adam Stuart Smith, former Rockwatch member and Rockstar prize winner with his colleague Ricardo Araújo tell the story of Alfred Leeds and his superb collection of Jurassic fossils. These are to be found in museums all over Europe as well as many in the United Kingdom.
In Search of Underground Forests
Howard Falcon-Lang has been lucky enough to discover some amazing Carboniferous fossil forests deep in coal mines in the USA. Follow the story of some of his wonderful discoveries.
Why New Zealand is HOT – geothermally speaking!
Discover more about this fascinating country and its restless geothermal energy with Philip Andrews and learn something of its Maori myths at the same time.
Walking with Dinosaurs on the Computer
Peter Falkingham tells us how useful computer technology is to palaeontologists in working out how ancient life evolved. Learn more about this fast moving technology and how it’s helping scientists in understanding the ancient past.